Requirements for Revised Paper Submission

Dear Authors,

On behalf of the MMMS Conference Organizing Committee, we would like to convey the following information to you and seek your close cooperation to ensure timely processing of your paper:

1. All revised manuscripts must be submitted through the MMMS system. Email attchments will not be considered.

2. For papers with a high similarity index, after authors make revisions, please name the file including the PID and add the phrase "R2S", for example: “158 R2S.doc”.

3. For manuscripts revised according to reviewer comments, please include the PID and append "R2R" to the submission. For example: “168 R2R.doc”.

4. Revised manuscripts must be uploaded to the Full Paper section under the corresponding PID, replacing the previous version. For example, “168 R2R.doc” will replace “168.doc”. Please do not create a new PID entry by declaring a new paper. Please do not forget to click “Save” after uploading the revised version.

5. The final date to upload the revision is 25/08/2024.

Please note that any manuscripts not submitted through the MMMS system or not named according to the specified format will not be considered valid.

Best regards,

MMMS2024 Committee

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